Everything you are looking and longing for is already inside you.
Conditionings in our lives has made us conform, hide, make ourselves small, feel insecure.
Are you ready to take responsibility and find back to yourself? In a safe space full of warm compassion to release blockages on a physical, emotional and mental level and meet your authentic self?
Do you feel the nudges of your heart and soul and finally want to step into full embodiment of your inner self?
Only when compassion is present
will people allow themselves to see the truth.
- A.H. Almaas
Hi, you unique being
My name is Heike and with an open heart I am pursuing the vision of a world where we all remember that we are already whole and feel safe to live out our unique authentic way of being.
On my journey to myself so far I have encountered very healing methods from different traditions and cultures that I would like to share with you. Because, "We're all just walking each other home" (Ram Dass).

Experience deep, authentic connections
With an open heart I accompany you on your way back to yourself, in Munich or online, through...
Are you aware of the power of your own breath?
In many ancient cultures, the breath has long been known as a powerful healing tool, as medicine.
It supports us on a physical, mental, and emotional level to find clarity and calm, strength and confidence, depending on the method we use.
In a breathwork ceremony, we surrender to our inner knowing and wisdom and find answers within. An active breathing technique allows us to dive deep and find answers within.
All the answers are already inside of you. Sometimes we just need impulses from outside and moments of calm in order to connect with our intuition, our inner knowing..
In my work as a certified Systemic Coach, I combine wisdom from ancient cultures with exercises from psychology and somatic work. We take time for your individual situation and your topics, in a safe space free from judgement .
Yoga is about unifying body, mind, and soul. The Embodiment Yoga classes are about sensing and arriving in the body, to come out the thinking and analyzing mind and land softly inside your body; and they are about discovering what it means to embody our unique essence. We connect breathing with movement and lovingly encounter all that is present in the body, integrating all senses to calm the nervous system.
Mother Nature provides us with medicine, such as cacao as the medicine of the heart. In many cultures, she has been used for centuries in ceremonies and rituals. Mama Cacao supports us with her warmth to slide from the thinking head into the feeling heart. This allows us to experience a deeper connection with ourselves, nature and one another.
Cacao has numerous healing effects on a physical, emotional and spiritual level.
If you have any questions or just want to say hello - you can reach me using the contact form, send me an email to or DM me on Instagram @heike.bitterle