How exciting that you are now part of the community. The first Soul Letter will soon land in your mailbox - approximately every two weeks.
In it, I, Heike, will share my experiences and impulses from an open heart, with the intention that they may touch your heart and soul.
You will find in the Soul Letters:
Inspirations and soul talk relating to the areas of feeling feelings, systemic coaching, psychology, philosophy, spirituality, the human experience
Contemplative questions and impulses for journaling
Heartfelt recommendations for books, movies, documentaries, music
Poetry, quotes and art
Information on events
You have a recommendation from the heart that should be part of the next soul letter? Just send me an email to heike@bitterle.de - Sharing is Caring.
Want to hear already now about the next events?
Click here to find the calendar with all upcoming events.
Would you like to work with me?
Have a look here or write to me for a free intro meeting.
Some housekeeping for the Soul Letter
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Feel free to let me know how you like the newsletter and contact me with your heartfelt recommendations.
Thanks for subscribing and feel free to share the Soul Letter with friends.