Free from any dogma or limited to one school of thought, I open my door, arms and heart to anyone who seeks authentic, deep connections and transformative processes, to inquire within and expand their consciousness in order to bring more loving awareness to this world.
I have made the experience that many companies have values written all over their offices or websites - but are they actually lived out?
During the founding of Spaces To Be, I allowed myself to imagine what our dream future and our involvement in the dream environment would look like.
With Spaces to Be I would like to create a small new world.
A world in which we can realize that we are all perfect - just as we are.
A world in which we rediscover our deep connection with each other and with nature.

Be here now
Spaces to Be - here, being is the focus of any activity.
Get out of your head and into feeling, into being in the moment.
Being mindful in the here & now means to me to focus completely on the present experience instead of dwelling in the past or constantly looking to the future. Whether painting, meditating, singing, dancing, sharing or listening. In doing so, we direct attention, awareness, and perception entirely to the present moment and are not guided by judgments or attachments.
At Spaces to Be, you can immerse yourself in various activities that connect you to yourself, to other people, to your surroundings, and to the here and now.
My inward journey has led to a profound reconsideration of my behavior in the world, compelling me to examine the values that underpin my actions. Delving into the depths of self-reflection has unearthed a set of guiding principles that I aspire to embody in every interaction—with myself, others, and the natural world.
Grounded in this newfound awareness, I navigate the world with a commitment to integrity, recognizing the interconnectedness of all things and striving to contribute positively to the tapestry of existence.
At the heart of every action connected with my work and my being lies my core value - Compassion. It is like the secret ingredient to your grandma's special apple cake recipe.
I commit to embodying compassion, toward myself, others, and nature, in order to increase levels of happiness, life satisfaction, and overall well-being; to improve mental health, strengthen relationships, enhance perspective-taking, reduce conflict, improve communication, support self-reflection and nurture a more caring, connected, and empathetic world.
BTW - did you know that the word self compassion still is not part of the German Duden? Time to lead by example by connecting with ourselves in a compassionate way.
Within my work, I aim to BE with whatever is present right now. Non-judgmentally, during events or 1:1 sessions we aim to accept all emotions, sensations, internal and external factors without pushing them away. We are curious to arrive with all our senses in the present moment to engage with life, deeply connect with one another, listen and speak with kindness while staying open-minded and open-hearted and sustain from judgmenet.
I am committed to treating all people with respect, regardless of their origin, gender, religion, sexual orientation, age or other characteristics. I encourage all event participants to respect and be open to each other's beliefs, opinions and values.
I also deeply respect and care for Mother Nature and strive to minimize my negative impact and instead give back to Mother Earth. We live with and not on earth.
I strive to maintain a peaceful and non-violent environment. I do not tolerate any form of violence, either verbal or physical, or aggressive behavior.
I take responsibility for my actions, my mistakes, and for the effects they may have on the soul, the environment, and people.
I also encourage all community members to take personal responsibility for their actions, words, and thoughts, as well as for their own healing process, and to actively participate in their own treatment. Together, we strive to become more aware of our personal attitudes and behaviors, and are willing to change those that are harmful to ourselves and others.
I promote empathetic communication and encourage participants to listen actively, speak honestly, and express themselves with kindness and sensitivity. In public and in private, we will not speak in a way that defames or demeans others or ourselves. We will speak to people and not about them.