The female cycle is a reservoir of magic and strength, a reflection of the eternal dance between life and death. Despite its profound significance, it has often been devalued, viewed as inconvenient, or even repulsive. In a society that prioritizes constant functionality, such a cycle may seem out of place.
How beautiful it is, then, to experience the possibility to embrace this inner marvel that mirrors the cyclical nature of existence and nurtures our connection to our own bodies.
The spiritual nature of the feminine cycle
The menstrual cycle transcends its physiological aspects; it holds a deep spiritual significance for those tuned into the body's wisdom and the enchanting chemistry it holds. Unlike men, who ride a 24-hour hormonal wave, women embody a 28-day lunar cycle, concealing its unique magic.
Ceremonial Cacao serves as a gentle guide, imparting knowledge about our body's intelligence through subtle cues, signals, and sensations. Through conscious engagement with Cacao throughout our monthly cycle, we align with the transient forces residing within our very cells.
The Rhythm of Hormones
Hormones should not be underestimated; they intricately weave into mood, appetite, sex drive, energy levels, emotions, mindset, and more. As they ebb and flow, so do our needs, emotions, and connection to reality. Despite navigating a world primarily shaped by male perspectives, acknowledging our differences is vital for genuine flourishing.
Scientific insights align with the wisdom of consuming Cacao before the onset of the menstrual cycle, presenting diverse benefits. You may have noticed chocolate cravings around your menstruation. While often dismissed as mere body sugar cravings, there's more to this myth, as we shall now explore....
Menstruation - Our Inner Winter
The menstrual phase stands as our most powerful window for introspection and tuning into intuition. Cacao gracefully aligns with this monthly event, supporting the opening of our hearts, internal exploration, and attunement to intuitive whispers. Integrating Cacao with your cycle enhances your inherent intuitive capabilities, fortifying your ability to listen, trust, and lead yourself.
This juncture in the month facilitates letting go on multiple levels—emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually. Embrace coziness during this time to delve deeply within and release, allowing the blood to carry away what no longer serves your system.
As serotonin levels tend to dip in women during cycles, thanks to reduced serotonin-producing hormones like estrogen, pure cacao emerges as a serotonin-rich source. It counteracts mood declines, offering emotional equilibrium.
Iron deficiency, a common woe during menstruation, discovers a remedy in Cacao, boasting one of the highest iron levels among plants.
Follicular - Our Inner Spring
The Follicular Phase, or 'Inner Spring,' beckons exploration, creativity, and play. With the rise of estrogen and the gradual rebuilding of dopamine and serotonin, mood is uplifted. This phase, charged with energy and inspiration, encourages grounded introspection. A deliberate Cacao practice nurtures your essence while sparking heartfelt ideas for the month ahead.
Ovulatory - Our Inner Summer
Cacao, a heart-opener, fosters deeper connections during the ovulatory phase. Beyond conception, its benefits infuse creativity, work, social interactions, and self-expression. Staying tethered to the heart and body during ovulation is essential, with Cacao acting as a reminder to anchor into the core of being.
Luteal - Our Inner Fall
Cacao, consumed before and during the menstrual cycle, proves transformative, providing support during physical release. Easing cramps, boosting mood, and enhancing comfort, Cacao becomes a transformative ally.
The Luteal Phase, despite its challenges, initiates higher realms of consciousness. With the rise of progesterone impacting appetite, the nervous system, self-reflection, and sleep, Cacao facilitates a tender exploration of truth as estrogen diminishes.
Rather than viewing 'PMS' negatively, it's an invitation to notice where we're out of sync, offering an opportunity for self-care and understanding. Inner Autumn becomes a time to collect treasures for our inner caves, with Ceremonial Cacao maintaining our connection to heart and body every step of the way.
In honoring our cyclical nature, we acknowledge ourselves as wise and mystical as Mother Nature. A conscious Cacao and menstrual practice nurtures self-care, compassion for others, and societal well-being. With this loving awareness, we fill our cups before pouring, rediscovering the magic within.